


Tips for preparing your monologue
Consejos examen oral B1 - Monólogo (EOI Fuenlabrada)

In the certificate examination:
You will have 2 minutes for individual preparation (i.e. to think about what you want to say but you cannot write anything down). Then you should talk for 3 – 4 minutes.

Monologue 0 (yourself)
Monologue 1 (keeping in touch)
Monologue 2 (films)
Monologue 3 (starting your own business)
Monologue 4 (Internet)
Monologue 5 (a throwaway society)
Monologues 6, 7 and 8 (shopping, dream home, weather and emotions)

Useful expressions to organise your monologue:

First of all, I’ll talk about
ferstof ol, ail tok abaut
fərst əv ɒl, ajl tɒk əbawt
En primer lugar, hablaré...
First of all, I’m going to explain how....
ferstof ol, aim going tu explein hau
fərst əv ɒl, ajm goɪŋ tu ɪksplen haw....
En primer lugar, explicaré cómo...
Then,  I’ll move to...
den, ail muv tu
ðɛn, ajl muv tu...
Luego, hablaré de..
Finally, I’m going to give you my opinion about...
fainali aim going to giv iu mai opinion abaut
fajnəli, ajm goɪŋ tu gɪv ju maj əpɪnjən əbawt
Finalmente, os daré mi punto de vista acerca de...

From my point of view...
from mai point of viu
frəm maj pɔjnt əv vju
Desde mi punto de vista...
The advantages are...
di advantechss ar
ðə ædvæntɪdʒəz ɑr
Las ventajas son...
The disadvantages are...
de disavantechess ar
ðə disavantages ɑr
Las desventajas son...
In my opinion...
in mai opinion
ɪn maj əpɪnjən
En mi opinión...
I’m sure that...
aim shur dat
ajm ʃʊr ðæt
Estoy seguro de que...
However, I’d like to point out...
hauever, aid laik tu point aut
hɑwɛvər, ajd lajk tu pɔjnt awt
No obstante, me gustaría resaltar que...
Sin embargo,...
I’d like to say...
aid laik tu sei
ajd lajk tu se
Me gustaría decir....
I agree with the idea...
ai agri wiz de aidia
aj əgri wɪθ ðə ajdiə
Estoy de acuerdo con la idea...
I don’t agree with the idea...
ai dont agri wiz de aidia
aj dont əgri wɪθ ðə ajdiə
No estoy de acuerdo con la idea...

To sum up...
tu sam ap
tu səm əp
Para resumir...
In conclusion...
in conclushion
ɪn kənkluʒən
En conclusión...
Let me summarise what I’ve just talked about...
let mi samaraiss uat aiv chast tokt abaut
lɛt mi səmarajs wət ajv dʒəst tɒkt əbawt
Déjenme resumir lo que acabo de exponer...


Consejos examen oral B1 - Conversación (EOI Fuenlabrada)

In the certificate examination:
You will have a minute to think about what you want to say (you cannot talk to each other at this stage). Then you should talk with your partner(s) for 4-5 minutes if you are doing the exam in pairs, or for 6-7 minutes if it is a group of three candidates.

Conversation 1 (learning English)
Conversation 2 (a gap year)
Conversation 3 (goodbye party)
Conversation 4 (neighbours from hell)
Conversations 5, 6, 7 (new house, school, transport)

Useful expressions:

Why don’t we… + infinitive?
E.g. why don’t we go to Scotland? I’ve heard it’s
That’s a great/fantastic /brilliant idea.
One thing we could do is…+infinitive.
E.g. One thing we could do is find a morning course and an afternoon job.
Let’s do that!
It would be a good idea to…+infinitive.
E.g. It would be good idea to meet more people
who are learning English.
The problem is that…
E.g. The problem is that we don’t know where they are.
Maybe we should… +infinitive.
E.g. Maybe we should try to find a host family.
That’s a good idea but it would be better to … +infinitive.
E.g. That’s a good idea but it would be better to live in a student hall because it’s cheaper.